Hi! My name is Michael, and I make videos about math.

This site is pretty fresh right now. There’s not a whole lot here apart from a couple blog posts and an unnecessarily fancy animation when the page loads. I hope to have this be a home for all kinds of things which don’t quite fit into videos. From neat math projects to behind-the-scenes info about some tricks I use to make my videos.

In the mean time, feel free to check out my Youtube Channel, or read the latest blog post!

How do I make my videos?

Other than blood, sweat, and tears, the most important ingredient is Manim, a Python library for making math animations, originally created by 3Blue1Brown. I use Manim for pretty much all of the animations.

I record my voice in Audacity, using a Blue Yeti microphone.

I edit the videos with DaVinci Resolve.

Finally, I’ve made some of the background music with FL Studio, which I also use to process the voice-overs. But you can definitely process your voice with free tools like with Audacity or DaVinci Resolve.


You can reach me at LinesThatConnect@gmail.com.